METHODS -- Charges used, placement of charges, results.
     (a) Explosive Methods.

OBSTACLE               CHARGE                        RESULTS

Element "C"            18 2-lb Hagensen packs,       Obstacle
                       placed to cut face from       cleared.
                       rear-frame, & to flatten
                       rear-frame as well. Extra
                       charges used when possible.

Ramps                  one 2-lb Hagensen pack at.    Legs cut off
                       base of each leg, unless      at bases, blown
                       timbers over 18-20 inches     apart at top.
                       diam., or wood very green.    Obstacle cleared.
                       If so, 2 packs. Also one
                       2-lb. pack underside of
                       apex of legs.

Piling                 Single Hagensen pack at       Obstacle
                       base, as with ramp timbers;   cleared.
                       if extra thick, or green,
                       2 packs (4 lbs.)

Steel hedgehogs        3 Tetrytol blocks; 2 on       Obstacle cleared,
                       one side of central gusset    but much shrapnel
                       plate, 1 on the other side.   projected.
                       (Not necessarily placed for
                       shearing effect.)

Steel hedgehogs        2 Hagensen packs; 1 each      Obstacle not
                       side of gusset.               always cleared.
                                                     Sometimes members
                                                     merely bent, leaving 
                                                     hazard to light

Concrete tetrahedra    1 Hagensen pack at            Obstacle
(members wired or      apex each triangle.           demolished.
pinned together at
the joints)

Concrete posts         2 Hagensen packs at           Obstacle
(reinforced)           base.                         demolished.

Concrete posts         1 Hagensen pack at            Concrete cleared
(reinforced)           base.                         but reinf. bars
                                                     left. obstacle
                                                     could be pushed over
                                                     by hand afterwards.

Tellermines            1 Hagensen pack, or           Tellermine
35, 42, 43             1 Tetrytol Block, or          countermined.
                       1 ½-lb. block TNT
Tellermines            1 Number Eight Cap            Tellermine
35, 42, 43             placed in detonator           detonated.

        (b) Non-Explosive Methods.

             All the above obstacles were successfully removed
with caterpillars, dozers, tank dozers, or tanks, if the Tellermines 
had been removed first. Tellermines can be removed by hand
after unscrewing detonator, if it is desired to avoid the shrapnel
caused by blowing them.
             Hedgehogs were eliminated by undoing bolts from
central gusset plates, allowing obstacle to collapse.

        (c) Fixed Flamethrowers.

            From Lt. Smith's description, these were the same
as those seen by the writer at Grandcamp, a specimen of which was
recovered for forwarding to the U.S.A. These flamethrowers are a
simple tank, filled with a petroleum creosota mixture, which is
ejected through a goose-neck nozzle by gas pressure from a burning
pyrotechnic cartridge. The mixture is ignited by another similar
cartridge wired and fired electrically in parallel with the first
one. The flame lasts about l½ minutes and has a range of 50-75
feet depending on the wind. It has a general terror value, and a
specific value against vehicles or concentrations of men approaching 
the seawall within its range.

                              ENCLOSURE ( 6 )

                        Operation Order - Force 'O'.

NCDG/A4-3 WESTERN NAVAL TASK FORCE Serial: 001 ASSAULT FORCE "O" (TASK FORCE ONE TWO FOUR) TOP SECRET -- NEPTUNE NAVAL COMBAT DEMOLITION GROUP No. 1 - 44 31 May 1944; 1200 TASK ORGANIZATION (a) Naval Combat Demolition Section No. ONE - Lt.(jg) Heideman, USNR, (LCM 25) NCDU No. 11 - LCM 1 NCDU No. 24 - LCM 2 NCDU No. 27 - LCM 3 NCDU No. 41 - LCM 4 NCDU No. 42 - LCM 5 NCDU No. 43 - LCM 6 NCDU No. 140 - LCM 7 NCDU No. 137 - LCM 8 NCDU No. 133 - LCM 17 NCDU No. 130 - LCM 18 NCDU No. 128 - LCM 20 LCMs 25, 28, 29 30, 31 (b) Naval Combat Demolition Section No. TW0 - Lt.(jg) V. Cooper, USNR, (LCM 26) NCDU No. 44. - LCM 9 NCDU No. 45 - LCM 10 NCDU No. 46 - LCM 11 NCDU No. 22 - LCM 12 NCDU No. 231 - LCM 13 NCDU No. 141 - LCM 14 NCDU No. 138 - LCM 15 NCDU No. 142 - LCM 16 NCDU No. 131 - LCM 21 NCDU No. 129 - LCM 24 LCMs 26, 32, 33, 34, 36

        1.   Information as in Naval Commander Western Task Force
             NEPTUNE MONOGRAPH, and Commander Assault Force 'O'
             Operation Order No. BB-44.

             The Naval Combat Demolition Group is associated and working
             with an Army demolition group consisting of two battalions
             of Combat Engineers attached to the V Corps.
             One NCDU together with one Army conbat demolition unit forms
             a Gap Assault Team.
             Tankdozers embarked in LCT(')s will land at H hour and 
             proceed against obstacles as directed by the Army combat
             demolition unit officers.

             All paths cleared through minefields will be marked by
             personnel of the Army demolition units with a standard
             minefield gap marker, five feet high. Individual mines
             which have not been removed will be marked by an eighteen
             inch probing wire with a six inch by six inch piece of 
             rod muslin attachod to the top.

             NCD Sections TWO and ONE will form part of Group O-1
             and O-2, respectively, of Force 'O' and will function under
             the commanders of those assault groups.

        2.   This Group will: (1) Clear and mark sixteen gaps, fifty yards
             wide, through the seaward band. of obstacles on the OMAHA Beaches;
             two on FOX GREEN, six on EASY RED, two on EASY GREEN, two on
             DOG RED, two on DOG WHITE and two on DOG GREEN.
             (2) Widen the gaps in the seaward band of obstacles until
             the entire band is cleared.
             (3) Assist the special Army Engineer Demolition Group in
             clearing gaps through other bands of obstacles and removing
             all obstaclos from the OMAHA Beaches.

        3.   (a) NCD Section No. ONE land as directed by Commander
             Assault Group O-2, and clear eight gaps through the seaward
             band of obstacles on Beaches DOG GREEN, DOG WHITE, DOG RED,
             and EASY GREEN in accordance with the table set forth

                     I - Assault Units
Serial No. of Gap
  & Coordinates        Beach        Team       Craft No.    NCDU
 (Eastings only)                     No.        (LCM)        No.
1. (6522 - 6526)   DOG GREEN         1           1           11
2. (6545 - 6549)   DOG GREEN         2           2           24
3. (6568 - 6572)   DOG WHITE         3           3           27
4. (6588 - 6592)   DOG WHITE         4           4           41
5. (6615 - 6619)   DOG RED           5           5           42
6. (6635 - 6639)   DOG RED           6           6           43
7. (6655 - 6659)   EASY GREEN        7           7          140
8. (6675 - 6679)   EASY GREEN        8           8          137

                       II - Support Units

                   DOG GREEN         A          17          133
                   DOG WHITE         B          18          130
                   DOG RED           C          19          Army
                   EASY GREEN        D          20          128

                       III - Reserve Craft

                   DOG GREEN                    28
                   DOG WHITE                    29
                   DOG RED                      30
                   EASY GREEN                   31
(b) NCDU Section No. TWO land as directed by Commander Assault Group O-1, and clear eight gaps through the seaward band of obstacles on Beaches EASY RED and FOX GREEN in accordance with the table set forth below.
                     I - Assault Units
Serial No. of Gap
  & Coordinates        Beach        Team       Craft No.    NCDU
 (Easting only)                      No.        (LCM)        No.

9.  (6740 - 6743)    EASY RED         9            9         44
10. (6760 - 6764)    EASY RED        10           10         45
11. (6790 - 6794)    EASY RED        ll           11         46
12. (6811 - 6815)    EASY RED        12           12         22
13. (6830 - 6835)    EASY RED        13           13         23
14. (6851 - 6856)    EASY RED        14           14        141
15. (6872 - 6876)    FOX GREEN       15           15        138
16. (6893 - 6898)    FOX GREEN       16           16        142

                       II - Support Units

		     EASY RED        E            21        Army
                     EASY RED        F            22        131
                     EASY RED        G            23        Army
                     FOX GREEN       H            24        129

                       III - Reserve Craft          

                     EASY RED                     32 
                     EASY RED                     33 
                     EASY RED                     34
                     FOX GREEN                    35 
                     FOX GREEN                    36

(x) (1) Land at H plus three minutes, each unit clearing a gap fifty yards or more in width through the seaward band of obstacles. Upon completion of c1earing the initial gap, each unit widen and extend the gap as time permits until the entire seaward band of obstacles is removed. If the seaward band of obstacles is Element "C", ten men from the Army section of the Gap Team will reinforce the NCDU to assist in removal of the obstacle. The two powder men of each NCDU launch the rubber boat with reserve explosives from the LCM at the time of debarking and tow it ashore. One man remain with the boat while the other proceeds inshore to the highwater mark with a white, triangular range marker, two feet wide at the base, and eight feet high. The man proceeding inshore with the marker, place it on the beach above the highwater mark on the center line of the gap cleared by the combined Army and Navy team. (2) When the depth of water prevents further clearance of the seaward band of obstacles, mark the extremities of the cleared gaps by green flags mounted on buoys, then assist the Army team clearing obstacles in the inshore bands. (3) Support NCDUs land as directed by NCD Section Commanders to assist, or augment the assault NCDUs. Unload reserve explosives from the support craft. Retract and remain on call, to be unloaded as directed by NCD Section Commanders. (4) Reserve craft remain afloat on call, to be unloaded as directed by NCD Section Commander. (5) Indicate intention to explode charges by a violet smoke grenade lighted when the fuze to the charge is ignited. (6) Unless otherwise directed use a two minute delay fuze for all charges. 4. Logistics (a) Rations. Each individual will land with one type "K" and one type "D" rations. (b) Water. All individuals land with one full canteen. Canteens will be refilled only from suplies of Allied troops. (c) Arms and equipment. Each man will carry arms and ammunition and equipment as separately indicated. (d) Life belts. Life belts will be worn high up under the arms. (e) Additional equipment of NCDUs will be brought forward in LCMs of Convoy O-5, arriving in the Assault Area D plus 1 day. 5. Communications as outlined in Communication Plan, Annex H, to Commander Assault Force "O" Operation Order No. BB-44. Use Zone minus Two Time. All units synchronize watches with ships time prior to embarking in LCMs. Commander Naval Combat Demolition Group initially in LCT(R) 464. During the assault he will be embarked in LCM 27. JOSEPH H. GIBBONS, ANNEXES Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N.R. A. LCM Movement and Commander Naval Combat Demolition Group Approach Plan Force "O" B. Deployment and Landing Plan.

Commander Assault Force O-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Commander Assault Force O-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Commander Assault Force O-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Commander Assault Force O-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. LST Flotilla TWELVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. LCI(L) Flotilla TEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. LCT Flotilla TWELVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. LCT Flotilla EIGHTEEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. LCT Flotilla NINETEEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. Gunfire Support Craft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (45) Demolition Units & LCMs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (40) Princess Maud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) CG V. Corps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) CG lst Inf. Div . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) Col. Comdg. 16th R.C.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Col. Comdg. 18th R.C.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Col. Comdg. 115th R.C.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Col. Comdg. 116th R.C.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Prov. Eng. Spec. Brig. Grp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) 5th Eng. Spec. Brig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) 6th Eng. Spec. Brig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) CO 6th Beach Battalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) CO 7th Beach battalion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) Comdr. Far Shore Service Group (0MAHA). . . . . . . . . . (3) Col. Comdg. Army Eng. Demolition Group . . . . . . . . . (30) N.C.W.T.F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) ComLanCrab 11th Phib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) COUSNAAB POOLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) COUSNAAB PORTLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1)

NCDG/A4-3                                         WESTERN NAVAL TASK FORCE
Serial: 001                                       ASSAULT FORCE "O"
                                                  (TASK FORCE ONE TWO FOUR)
                                                  PORTLAND DORSET
OPERATION ORDER                                   31 May 1944: 1200
    No. 1-44 

                                          ANNEX A


(a)    Assault and Command Craft - Lt(jg) Orr, USNR. (LCM 27).
       LCMs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,   19 LCMs
            16, 25, 26, 27.

(b)    Support Craft - Ens. Williams, USNR. (LCM 17).
       LCMs 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24.                       8 LCMs

(c)    Reserve Craft - Ens. Edelfelt, USNR. (LCM 30).
       LCMs 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36.                   9 LCMs

       1. (a) This plan provides for orderly departure of the LCMs of the
          Naval Combat Demolition Group from assembly ports,  for their
          movement to the Assault Area; their approach, deployment, and landing,
          and for replacement of LCMs which become casualties during the
          (b) Detailed information concerning the convoy in which the LCMs
          proceed, is to be found in Annex C to Commander Assault Force 'O'
          Operation Order No. BB-44.
          (c) Appendix 3 to this Annex shows the location of the Transport
          Area and the vessels therein relative to the landing beaches and
          the courses and destinations thereto.

       2. LCMs proceed in Convoy Group TWO, arriving off the OMAHA
          Beaches in time to perform the tasks assigned in the Operation
          Order and in the Field Order of Army Engineer Demolition Group

       3. (a) Assault and Command Craft - LCMs  1 - 16, and 25 - 27 inclusive,
          proceed from PORTLAND or P00LE as appropriate to the Assault Area
          in tow of LCT(A)s and LCT(HE)s in Convoy Group TWO as set forth in
          Appendix 1 to his Annex.
          When towing craft lie to about 1,000 yards inshore from Point KING
          LCMs go alongside the LCTs and embark Demolition teams.
          Then Demolition Teams are loaded, LCM's of each section assemble on
          the section commander and proceed to line of departure via the
          route prescribed by the Commanders, Assault Groups O-1 and O-2
          respectively. Upon arrival at the line of departure, deploy as
          indicated in Appendix 2 to this Annex. Leave line of departure
          when despatched by control vessels, about H - 10 minutes, and land
          on assigned beaches at H + 3 minutes. After arrival at the line of
          departure, LCMs 25 and 26 proceed as directed by NCD Section
(b) Support Craft.- LCMs 17 - 24 inclusive, proceed from POOLE to the Assault Area in tow of Gunfire Support Craft in Convoy Group TWO in accordance with Appendix 1 to this Annex. Upon arrival of the towing craft at Point KING, LCMs cast off lines, assemble by sections on the senior boat division officer of their section, and proceed to LSI(S) Princess Maude to embark support demolition teams. When demolition teams are embarked, Support Craft of each section proceed via route prescribed by the Commanders of Assault Groups O-1 and O-2 respectively, to the line of departure, and deploy as indicated in Appendix 2 to this Annex. Leave line of departure when despatched by control vessels about H - 5 minutes and land on assigned beaches at H + 8. (c) Reserve Craft - LCMs 28 - 36 inclusive, proceed from POOLE to the Assault Area in tow of Gunfire Support Craft as set forth in Appendix 2 of this Annex. Upon arrival of towing craft at point KING, LCM cast off tow line. Assemble by sections on the senior boat division commander of each section and proceed to the point about 1,000 yards inshore from Point KING where assault demolition teams are embarking in assault craft. Replace any missing assault craft with LCMs from the Reserve Group. From this point, proceed to LSI(S), Princess Maud, and embark any Support demolition teams whose LCMs did not arrive. From Princess Maud, remaining Reserve Craft proceed toward line of departure via route prescribed by their respective Assault Group commanders and deploy as indicated in Appendix 2 to this Annex. Leave line of departure when despatched by control vessels in time to arrive approximatlely 1,000 yards off their assigned beaches at H + 20 minutes. Lie to in these positions on call. 3. (x)(1) LCMs berth alongside their respective towing craft when directed by the Commander Convoy Group TWO. (2) LCMs nominally in tow enroute to teh Assault Area will run engines at sufficient speed to preserve a slack tow line. See that the tow line is tended carefully, however, in order to prevent it fouling the screws of the towing vessel. (3) In the event of engine failure or other casualty while on passage during daylight, adjacent LCM take necessary action to take the casualty in two and place it in tow of an LCT of low priority at the rear of the convoy. In the event of casualties during darkness, LCM crews embark on towing craft and set the LCM adrift to leeward, if necessary to maintain convoy speed. 4. Use reserve fuel to replenish tanks prior to arrival at the Assault Area. 5. LCMs when released by Naval Combat Demolition Group Commanders, report for duty to Ferry Control Subordinate Command Number ONE in LCI(L) __, one mile off Beach CHARLIE, displaying International flag hoist FOX EASY ROGER, Numeral ONE. JOSEPH E. GIBBONS Lieutenant Commander, U.S.N.R. Commander Naval Comvat Demolition Group Force "O" APPENDICES 1. Loading and Towing assignments. 2. Deployment Diagram. 3. Assault Area Diagram.
NCDG/A4-3 WESTERN NAVAL TASK FORCE Seria1: 001 ASSAULT F0RCE "0" TASK FORCE ONE TWO FOUR TOP SECRET - NEPTUNE NAVAL C0MBAT DEMOLITI0N GROUP P0RTLAND, D0RSET _____________________________ APPENDIX I TO ANNEX A TO OPERATION ORDER 1-44 L0ADING AND TOWING ASSIGNMENTS ASSAULT AND COMMAND CRAFT - DEPART PORTLAND AND POOLE LCM No.:TEAM No.:NCDU No.:No. of : C.0. NCDU : Towed By :Beach :Asslt. : : :Personnel: : : :Grp. ______________________________________________________________________________ : : : : : : : 1 : 1 : 11 : 40 : Freeman C.G.M. : 2124(A) :Dog G : O-2 2 : 2 : 24 : 40 : Culver Lt(jg) : 2227(A) :Dog G : O-2 3 : 3 : 27 : 40 : Holtman Lt(jg) : 2273(A) :Dog W : O-2 4 : 4 : 41 : 40 : Nichols Lt(jg) : 2275( ) :Dog : O-2 5 : 5 : 42 : 40 : Thompson Carp. : 2050(HE):Dog R : O-2 6 : 6 : 43 : 40 : Jenkins Lt(jg) : 2075(HE):Dog R : O-2 7 : 7 : 140 : 40 : Hill Carp. : 2229(HE):Easy G : O-2 8 : 8 : 137 : 40 : Blein Ens. : 2307(HE):Easy G : O-2 9 : 9 : 44 : 40 : Reymer Carp. : 2339(HE):Easy R : O-1 10 : 10 : 45 : 40 : Karnowski Ens. : 2425(HE):Easy R : O-1 11 : 11 : 46 : 40 : Bassell Ens. : 2049(HE):Easy R : O-1 12 : 12 : 22 : 40 : Barbour AC0M : 2287(HE):Easy R : O-1 13 : 13 : 23 : 40 : Vetter Lt(jg) : 2037(A) :Easy R : O-1 14 : 14 : 141 : 40 : Guinlock Ens : 2228(A) :Easy R : O-1 15 : 15 : 138 : 40 : Allen Ens. : 2043(A) :Fox G : O-1 16 : 16 : 142 : 40 : Stocking Ens. : 2008(A) :Fox G : O-1 ______________________________________________________________________________ DEPART POOLE ______________________________________________________________________________ : : : : : : : 25 :Command : : : Heideman,Lt(jg): : : :Section1: : 27 : Isaly, Major : LCT(R) 450: : O-2 26 :Command : : : Cooper, Lt(jg) : . : : :Section2: : 27 : Jewett, Major : LCT(R) 452: : O-1 27 :Command : : : Gibbons, Lt Cdr: : : :Group : : 28 : O'Neill, Lt Col: LCT(R) 464: : O-1-2 ______________________________________________________________________________ SUPPORT CRAFT - DEPART PO0LE ______________________________________________________________________________ : : : : : : : 17 : A : 133 : 40 : Mitchell, Ens. : LCG(L) 424:Dog G : O-2 18 : B : 130 : 40 : Cheney, Ens. : LCG(L) 426:Dog W : O-2 19 : C : Army : 35 : : LCG(L) 449:Dog R : O-2 20 : D : 128 : 40 : Duquette, Ens : LCT(L) 687:Easy G : O-2 21 : E : Army : 37 : : LCT(L) 811:Easy R : O-1 22 : F : 131 : 40 : Inman, Ens. : LCT(R) 366:Easy R : O-1 23 : G : Army : 37 : : LCT(R) 423:Easy R : O-1 24 : H : 129 : 40 : Peterson, Ens : LCT(R) 447:Fox G : O-1 ______________________________________________________________________________ RESERVE CRAFT - DEPART POOLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - LCM No. Towed by Assault Group Beach 28 LCT(R) 473 O-2 DOG GREEN 29 LCT(R) 482 O-2 DOG WHITE 30 LCF 3 O-2 DOG RED 31 LCF 5 O-2 EASY GREEN 32 LCP 6 O-1 EASY RED 33 LCF 7 O-1 EASY RED 34 LCF 9 O-1 EASY RED 35 LCF 11 O-1 FOX GREEN 36 LCF 12 O-1 FOX GREEN

                                ENCLOSURE ( 7 )

                          Operation Order - Force 'U'.

TOP SECRET - BIGOT - NEPTUNE 15 May 1944 APPENDIX THREE TO ANNEX "GEORGE" to OPERATION ORDER No. 3-44 Serial: 00010 DEMOLITION PLAN TASK ORGANIZATION (b) 125.2.3 Naval Demolition group Lt. Comdr. Peterson (1) Green Beach Demolition Party - Lt.(jg) E. P. Clayton Unit #24 Lt.(jg) Clayton Unit #26 Lt.(jg) Jeter Unit #127 Ensign Padgett Unit #136 Ensign Roloff (2) Red Beach Demolition Party - Lt. R. C. Smith Unit #28 Lt. R. C. Smith Unit #29 Ensign L. H. Bohne Unit #30 Lt. (jg) Hagansen Unit #132 Carp. Noyes (3) Reserve Demolition Units Unit #134 Ensign Phillips Unit #135 Carp. Sprouse Unit #139 Ensign Itzkowitz 1. Information. The Intelligence Plan, Annex "ABLE" contains latest data available on beach obstacles at the time of Its preparation. There are positive indications that the number and/or type of obstacles in UTAH beaches is being increased. Additional information on beaches obstacles can be expected as data from later reconnaisance becomes available. At the present time, it is contemplated that all obstacles will be broached ove above water. As above water demolition is primarily an Army Function, the Naval Demolition Units are coordinated with the Army Demolition Units under the supervision of the Commander of the Army Units. Eight Engineer Demolition Units consisting of one officer and 25 men will embark on LCT(4)s and will transfer to LCM(3)s upon arrival in Transport Area. LCT(4)s tow LCM(3)s as follows:
Red Beach Green Beach LCT 797 tow LCM 91 LCT 518 tow LCM 95 LCT 691 tow LCM 92 LCT 837 tow LCM 96 LCT 836 tow LCM 93 LCT 1050 tow LCM 109 LCT 801 tow LCM 94 LCT 646 tow LCM 110 "LCM(3)s towed by LCT(4)s will be preloaded with two tons of explosives prior to departure from near shore. In the event LCM is inoperative upon arrival in transport Area, LCT(4) furnishing tow signal flagship for replacement LCM. Demolitions personnel embarked on LCT(4) will each carry an additional explosive pack for a reserve in the event an LCM is lost. Reserve engineer demolition personnel will be embarked on U.S.S. DICKMAN and are to be landed when lift becomes available. Then reserves will embark on transport with only individual explosive packs. Reserve explosives are available on LCMs towed by LCT(4)s. Assumptions: (1) The Assault will be so timed that all beach obstacles will be above water. (2) The attack on obstacles will be made after the initial assault infantry have infiltrated the obstacles and proceeded toward the seawall. (3) Naval Demolition Units will assist the Army Demolition Units in the broaching of above water obstacles. 2. The force will breach and destroy above water obstacles on UTAH BEACH in order to permit the unimpeded landing of personnel vehicles, and equipment of the VII Corps, U. S. Army. 3. (a) Naval Demolition Units are embarked vith their Demolitions material for passage to the Transport Area as follows: READ BEACH GREEN BEACH Unit LST Unit LST 28,29 282 25,26 48 30,132,135 230 127,136 47 134,139 281 (b) Upon anchoring of LSTs in transport area each demolition unit will embark personnel and material in an LCVP assigned from LST in, which they are embarked. When loaded in LCVPs, proceed to rendezvous area and proceed with designated assault wave in accordance with Attack Landing Plan, Appendix Two to Annex "George." (c) Navy Combat Demolition Units clear four gaps 50 yards wide at 250 yard intervals through the seaward band of obstacles on each beach. Widen gaps to the left until entire band of obstacles is cleared. Clear gaps in obstacles as follows: (1) Green Beach Demolition Party. Unit #25 clear gap a right flank of beach. Unit #26 clear cap at 250 yards from right flank. Unit #127 clear gap at 500 yards from right flank. Unit #136 clear gap at 750 yards from right flank. (2) Red Beach Demolition Party. Unit #28 clear gap at right flank of beach Unit #29 clear gap 250 yards from right flank. Unit #30 clear gap 500 yards from right flank. Unit #132 clear gap 750 yards from right flank. (3) Reserve Demolition Units are assigned to demolition parties as follows: Units #139 and #134 are to assigned to Green Beach Demolition Party. Unit #135 is assigned to Red Beach Demolition Party. "Naval Combat Demolition Units assigned as Red and Green Beach demolition parties in task organization land with wave 2 at H + 5 minutes. Reserve NCDU's land with wave 4 at H + 17 minutes on beaches designated In para- 3(c(3). (X) (1) Each man will carry a 50 pound pack of prepared explosives ashore. After landing demolition units, LCM(3) and LCVPs return to the line 1000 yards beyond the line of departure, keeping clear of other waves, reform into wave formation as in first landing, and again proceed to beach to arrive at H + 65 minutes unless directed to do so earlier, or otherwise directed. On second beaching, demolition units unload all explosives remaining in landing craft. Landing craft remain under control of Senior Demolition Officer for use as directed. Landing craft will be released on order of Senior Demolition Officer when no longer needed. (2) Tow by tank dozers or bull dozers obstacles which cannot be completely destroyed. Concentrate into piles on beach. Naval Beach Parties will buoy, as navigational hazards, piles of obstacles and scrap if within tidal area. If water approaches obstacles before arrival of beach party, demolition parties will buoy existing channels. (3) Close coordination must be excercised between Naval and Engineer Demolition teams to insure alignment of gaps in the various bands of obstacles. Engineer and Naval Demolition Teams will be mutually supporting as necessary. (4) Naval Demolition teams are entirely responsible for clearing any underwater obstacles which may be encountered. (5) Naval Demolition Units repart to Commander 2nd Beach Battalion after initial demolitions have been effected." 4. LSTs embark demolition units with their demolition material as indicated in paragraph 5(a). Upon anchoring in transport area, lower one LCVP for each demolition unit embarked. Assist demolition units in loading material and men into LCVP. THIS MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED AS EXPEDITIOUSLY AS POSSIBLE LCT 522 and LCT 524 each embark six (6) tons of reserve explosives for Green Beach Units. LCT 810 and LCT 855 each embark five (5) tons of reserve explosives for Red Beach Units. In the event that eitber LCT is lost, the other will serve as a common source of supply for all units of its beach. LCT's designated to carry Navy Demolition explosives fly "ANSWERING" pennant "BAKER" flag for quick identification. LCT's carrying reserve explosives beach as scheduled in Attack Landing Plan, Appendix Two to Annex "George", unless otherwise directed. (It is quite likely that reserve explosives will be required before regular beaching time.) Navy Demolition explosives will be unloaded and placed in beach dumps. Senior Demolitions Officer delegate an Officer to supervise unloading of explosives belonging to Naval Demolition Group and note Location of beach dump in which explosives are placed. Demolition Units diving gear for use in emergency Units take rations and water for 24 hours ashore. Further, billeting and supply will be from Shore Party Sources. 5. The Senior Demolitions Officer will be embarked on LST 281 and will proceed to beach with with Unit #134. Communications between units by SCR 536; between demolition parties on Red and Green Beaches and Flagship by SCR 609. (See Report Plan, Appendix One, Annex Able.) Communications will be in accordance with Communication Plan Annex "Love"; use Zone BAKER time.
Please refer UNITED STATES FLEET to file: S 74 UNITED STATES NAVAL FORCES IN EUROPE 20 GROSVENOR SQUARE LONDON, W.1 Serial: 001782 TOP SECRET [stamped] AUG 12 1944 End-l to CTF 122 Ltr. A16-3, Ser. 844 dated 19 July, 1944. From: Commander, U.S. Naval Forces in Europe. To : Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Fleet. Subj: Naval Combat Demolition Units, Report on. Encl: (1) As shown in basic letter. (HW) (2) Revised copy of Report on Combat Demolition Units in Invasion of Normandy. 1. Lt. (jg) Blackwell was ordered from the Readiness Division of this command to temporary duty under Commander, Task Force One Two Two just prior to D-day, in order to collect and correlate the data used in preparation of enclosures (1) and (2). 2. Enclosure (2) is forwarded herewith to replace the text of enclosure (l) of basic letter; further review of this material has shown the necessity for correcting some technical details in the text of the original report, enclosure (1). 3. Particular attention is invited to the following recommendations for future operations in enclosure (2). (a) Urgent necessity for further work in developing methods of eliminating obstacles actually under water, in assault conditions. (b) Necessity for giving any large group of N.C.D. Units a formal organization, to facilitate pre-assault training and procurement. (c) The value of the "Hagensen Pack" Charge (described in ComNavEu secret report SX-2330, dated 9 June, 1944) in obstacle-demolition involving hand-placement. (d) The need for improved gap-marking gear, including non- sinkable buoys. 4. It is further suggested that attention be given to re-inforcing landing craft so as to permit them to ram obstacles (especially those with attached explosive devices) without being impaled or sunk. 5. By copy of this endorsement, C.T.F. 122 is directed to classify his basic letter A16-3, Serial 844 dated 19 July, 1944, and all enclosures thereto, as TOP SECRET. This is necessitated by the fact that enclosures (6) and (7) of subject report are classified TOP SECRET. [signed] GEO. B. WILSON By direction.

        Task Force One Two Two Report, 
        Serial 844 of 19 July 1944, 
        US Navy World War II Action Reports, 
        Modern Military Branch, 
        National Archives and Records Administration, 
        College Park, MD 20749-6001

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