Re: Back support

Ken Barry (
Fri, 2 May 97 09:29:35 PDT

Date: Fri,  2 May 97 09:29:35 PDT
From: Ken Barry <>
Message-Id: <>

Haven't seen that much traffic lately so I thought I would give
an update on my progress. I finally got the flatware and tubing
ordered from George so I could start really building.

In light of the recent questions on aluminum tubing costs, I
spent a considerable amount of time searching for local aluminum
tubing. Last fall I had a local quote of $.85/ft in 24 foot
lengths so my plan was to purchase locally to eliminate all the
splices. When I went to order in March the cheapest local source
was now $1.28. Hence If I ordered from George, the 216 feet of
tubing plus splices and shipping came to $190.00. Locally the
tubing alone was now $276.48. Even at .85 the tubing would have
been $183.00 locally which is not a great savings of money or
time and I still wasn't comfortable that the local tubing would
be positively the right type. I always expected the shipping to
be significantly more than the ~$20 it cost for both the 1/2" and
3/4" tubing to be shipped from WA to NC.

The keel, bow and stern assemblies were lashed and installed in
the frames in a surprisingly short period of time. Stringers 1
and 2 bent fairly easily and were installed in a few hours and I
have now started to bend and lash the ribs. How close to the
spacer at the bow should I trim the Keel and the four stringers
that come together there? Is there any advantage to being
shorter or longer for ease of covering this area? I left a few
extra inches when bending the four stringers.

All the rib patterns fit on three 2'x4' 3/4 " plywood pieces. I
have installed a 2"x2" piece of wood down the middle back of each
piece of plywood and clamp the 2"x2" piece into my Black and
Decker Workmate to hold the rib patterns while bending. I also
use the Workmate to hold tubing while cutting and to hold the
ribs while lashing the knees. I like it better than my vise
because I can move it around as needed. Great device.

Two of the ribs were tie wrapped in last night and its starting
to look like a real boat. ( I have resisted the temptation to
sit in it yet.) Every night, I read over Clarke's and Kelford's
building tips and I feel that they have kept me out of trouble to
this point.

I should be ready for covering within a few weeks, I will post
another update then. Ken Barry

Name: Ken Barry
E-mail: Ken Barry <>
Date: 05/02/97
Time: 09:29:35