Caribou Videos on the downhill stretch

carl_vonkleistiii (
Mon, 12 May 1997 13:14:52 -0400

Message-Id: <>
Date: Mon, 12 May 1997 13:14:52 -0400
From: carl_vonkleistiii <>
Subject: Caribou Videos on the downhill stretch

Hey, y'all!

I received the Caribou Videos on Saturday and watched them twice. I was
number six out of twelve on the list, so the list is getting shorter!
Very impressive. Makes me want to change lifestyles. Robert Gabler is
next on the list, and they videos will go out in today's mail.

Thanks, Wayne! :)

Eric von Kleist               We pray for one last landing
Hilton Head Island, SC        On the globe that gave us birth,
USA                           To rest our eyes on the fleecy skies
                              And the cool green hills of Earth.

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