Nansen's Bamboo Kayaks-Catamaran

Craig O'Donnell (
Sun, 25 May 1997 18:46:25 -0300

Message-Id: <l03010d04afae62aadd5f@[]>
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 18:46:25 -0300
From: "Craig O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Nansen's Bamboo Kayaks-Catamaran

I've gotten copies of Nansen's _Farthest North_ where he describes a trip
by sled and kayak south from 80+ degrees north.

While there isn't a complete description of the kayaks in the text there is
a photo and enough information to recreate 'em or build your own. There are
also several sketches of the journey which clearly indicate bamboo struts,
mast, etc (the two baidarkas were lashed together to form a catamaran adn
sailed south under square sail during part of the journey).

After I jot down the details I will post this to the list. If I can get a
decent scan of the bamboo photo I will try to get it on my web page
sometime in the next month.

Craig O'Donnell
The Proa FAQ <>
The Cheap Pages <>

-- Professor of Boatology -- Junkomologist -- Macintosh kinda guy --
I sure miss my cat, Wanda.