[baidarka] Last call for the "Qajaq" list!

Ken Winter (winter@cstone.net)
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 22:54:25 -0400

Message-Id: <>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 22:54:25 -0400
To: baidarka@lists.intelenet.net
From: winter@cstone.net (Ken Winter)
Subject: [baidarka] Last call for the "Qajaq" list!

I now have a list of 50 people from this listserv interested in being
notified by the U of AK press when David Zimmerly's book "Qajaq" is reprinted.

For those of you who havn't seen it, the book is a must for anyone
interested in building baidarkas in the native tradition. Aside from
excellent commentary, there are many drawings and measurements of specific
"styles" of native kayak.

So if you or someone you know wants to get on "the list," just send me an
e-mail (winter@cstone.net) with your name and mailing address in the next
week or two. If you prefer to contact Mr. Henrikson directlly you can do so
at shenriks@educ.state.ak.us


Ken Winter
See my web page "The Ultimate Directory of Kayak Links"
At this address http://www.cstone.net/users/winter/Kayakmain.htm