[baidarka] Mailing lists like this one?

Charles Hall (chall@totalsports.net)
Fri, 29 May 1998 09:55:00 -0400

Date: Fri, 29 May 1998 09:55:00 -0400
From: chall@totalsports.net (Charles Hall)
To: baidarka@lists.intelenet.net
Subject: [baidarka] Mailing lists like this one?

Several questions for you list-lurkers...

- Where can I find a glue called 3M 5200? None of my local stores sell
any 3M-brand products. Is this a marine or automotive specialty item?

- Are there other mailing lists out there that might be of interest?
a small boat building/sailing list?

- Didn't someone on this list offer to help with computer stuff a while
I can't find the post, but it sure would be nice if someone would
through the archives and cobble together an FAQ or Glossary from all
old posts. I can put it on my server, and will be glad to help
HTML-ize it.

Charles Hall
Baidarka List Archive