Re: [baidarka] Sealant?

Subject: Re: [baidarka] Sealant?
Date: Thu Oct 20 2005 - 14:58:08 EDT

re: Corey Freedman's goop:
I haven't used it but I have seen several kayaks finished in the stuff and
spoken w/ the builders. It is tough as nails and provides nice results,
though I do not believe it is any less toxic than anything else out there. I
believe the smelier the stuff is the better results it provides. Corey's
goop provides a shiny finish. The one Caveat is that it is hard to work with
and is dificult to get a prefectly smooth finish even for folks that have
used it a lot, despite that they swear by the stuff and would not use
anything else. I have been told that it is a precursor to a foundation
coating of some sort or an other and the stuff is skimmed off before the
final steps in production of the product in its market form. additionaly it
is not that inexpensive. Personally I would go with what is locally
available to you. In my case that means oil based Poly U or Paint. Keeps
things simple. If you are out on the left coast in Corey's neck of the woods
then you are in luck.

unknown wrote:
> Has anybody used the two-part stuff that Corey Freedman (sp?) sells? I
> thought that was a little easier on the central nervous system.
> Bill

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