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PakYak Plans

Version 4.0

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  • Plywood cuts
  • Aluminum cuts
  • Wood Parts finishing
  • Parts finishing (gunwale)
  • Parts finishing (angle braces)
  • Parts finishing (flat braces)
  • Stringer assembly
  • Plywood Cuts

    • 60" x 20" x 1/2" Baltic Birch 9-ply birch plywood
      (this is 1/3 of a 5' x 5' sheet, cut in direction of surface grain)
    • Cut in strips (with surface grain) as shown:
      15: 1" wide strips
      1: 2" wide strip
    • Round long edges of all strips
      (using 1/4" round router bit)
    • From the 1" strips cut:
      A: 18 strips 24" long (from 9 of the 60" strips)
      B: 12 strips 25" long (from 6 of the 60" strips)
    • From the 9 remaining 12" long strips cut:
      C: 4 pieces 7" long plus
      D: 4 pieces 4½" long (each C+D from 1 strip)
      E: 3 pieces 7¾" long (see 4th E piece below)
      F: 4 pieces 5" long (2 each from 2 strips)
    • From remaining 10" strips cut:
      E: 1 piece 7¾" long (completes E set above)
      G: 4 pieces 9" long
    • From the 2" strip cut
      H: 2 pieces 11" long
      I: 2 pieces 4" long

    Aluminum Cuts

    See detail drawings below for additional finishing (cuts, rounding and drilling).

    Wood Parts Finishing

    Depending on where they are used in the frame, some holes are countersunk for the head of a flathead screw or drilled out 1/8" deep to receive a 10-32 nut. I use a 3/8" wood hole drill bit and sink it through about three plies. This is deep enough that all the screw treads will engage, but not quite flush with the surface. The hole will be a little tight, so I tap the nut in with a hammer or press it in with vise-grips.

    Hole locations:


    End braces:
    Mid braces:

    Parts Finishing (Gunwale)

    All drilled holes are 1/8" diameter to accept 1/8" pop rivets unless otherwise indicated.

    Gunwale rail parts: 1/8" thick 1" x 1" angle bar. Four two foot long pieces are finished on the ends and drilled as shown at right (two A and two B). Rivet holes are spaced 3" apart; pop rivets are used to attach heavy duty snaps (male halves). Snaps alternate between outside (under the angle) and inside (on the face), with 4 snaps on the outside of each rail and 3 on the inside. Hinge and brace holes are 3/16" diameter, 1/2" from end and edge.

    Hinge assembly details:

    Assembled hinge, in folded and un-folded views:


    Gunwale end parts: 1/16" thick 1" x 1" angle bar:

    Two 20" pieces are finished as shown at right, with snaps riveted to the pieces, 4 under the angle, two on top, and two on the inside (to mate with the mid brace). Two straps, not shown, are fastened to the rail with the middle side rivets. They wrap around the mid brace and snap to the top snaps, to secure the rail to the brace.

    Other hooks and catches (from 1/8" flat stock):

    Hooks: two 1" x 1½" pieces finished as shown; to join end of top mid stringer to top of mid brace.

    Catches: four 2" x ½" pieces finished as shown; to join horizontal center brace to vertical center brace.

    Parts Finishing (angle braces)

    The brace parts fashioned from angle stock will consume the remaining 1/8" 1" x 1" stock. All these angle bar brace pieces must have a 1" notch cut in the lower end with one hole 1/2" from lower end of long side (for stringer pivot). Note that these holes must be offset 1/2" from inside of angle bar to allow folding (3/8" from outer edge).

    Holes for the wood brace pivots are centered at 1/2" from both edges of outer face, spaced as indicated.

    NOTE: All braces are mirrored. In the end you will have two 5" long left-hand braces, two 5" long right-hand braces, etc.

    All the angle brace pieces need to be rounded at the bottom where they will press against the skin. Other corners can be rounded just to knock off the sharp corners. Same with the edges.

    All the holes on the short sides where the angle braces attach to the wooden brace parts are countersunk on the inside of the angle for the head of a flathead #10-32 screw.

    The holes on the bottom end of the long sides where the braces attach to the stringers are countersunk on the outside of the angle, except for the 2" pieces for the end braces, which get countersunk on the inside. The full-scale drawings on the next page show these countersinks.

    There is a 1" notch in the upper end of the 10" pieces that wasn't mentioned in the previous paragraphs. This is to allow for the gunwale end assembly.

    Here are full-size drawings of one half the brace parts. The other half of the parts are mirror images.

    Parts Finishing (flat bar braces)

    METAL PARTS (see aluminum cuts for cutting Brace parts: 1/8" thick 2" flat bar:

    Stringer Assembly

    Drawing shows half of frame in exploded view.

    Note that some end edges are rounded and some are not. (Ends of stringers that are sandwiched between another stringer and a brace piece have edges left flat; outside edges are rounded.)

    This drawing also shows which side of angle brace parts are countersunk for the flathead machine screws, and which stringer holes are countersunk for screws or nuts.

    The top center stringer is slotted for the hook that engages the middle brace. The hook is held in place with a 1/2" pop rivet.

    Pop rivets are also used to hold snap halves to the end side stringers. The 3" roundhead screw in the end is not countersunk; it holds the rubber ends of the side stringer strap.