Re: Laminated ribs, etc..

Craig O'Donnell (
Fri, 30 May 1997 17:19:35 -0300

Message-Id: <l03010d01afb4e657b01d@[]>
In-Reply-To: <>
Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 17:19:35 -0300
From: "Craig O'Donnell" <>
Subject: Re: Laminated ribs, etc..

*> > I visualize the laminations running the shape of the rib,
*> > not as if cut out of plywood. That is, if you look at the
*> > rib, it would look as if it was cut out from a tree trunk
*> > with that shape around, with all the growth rings following
*> > the shape of the rib.

Sure, you can do this. A friend of mine just made a laminated sprit-boom
for a small sailboat. Four or five small thicknesses of wood were bent to
the appropriate curve, epoxy-clamped together. On the inside curve, in a
groove, he epoxied a bunch of carbon-fiber string ("tows"). The 5th layer
of wood is simply a covering over this groove.

I think this sort of thing is what you're suggesting. You don't need the
carbon of course.

Craig O'Donnell
The Proa FAQ <>
The Cheap Pages <>

-- Professor of Boatology -- Junkomologist -- Macintosh kinda guy --
I sure miss my cat, Wanda.