[baidarka] Folding kayak completions

Subject: [baidarka] Folding kayak completions
From: Tom Yost (tom_yost@msn.com)
Date: Sat Oct 01 2005 - 23:38:19 EDT

Hi All,

Since things appear to be a bit slow on the Baidarka
Mailing List, I may as well contribute something.

As a means of recognizing the accomplishments of
those builders completing the construction of a
homebuilt folding kayak, I maintain a "What's New"
 section in my "Folding Kayak Builders Manual"

I've added four new boats in the past couple of
weeks and all are different designs in the
 manual, and all four builders are from different
 countries. Two are touring kayaks and two
are performance kayaks. After these four you
will find several other slightly older completions.


After the Link opens, click "Next Page" at the
 upper right of the page to continue viewing
 the new folders.

Two of the builders provide a short
description of their boat's performance.

Now that the paddling and motorcycling seasons
are drawing to a close here in Colorful Colorado,
I'll soon be in the shop finishing a new folding
Baidarka. It's an 18 footer with a beam of
21 inches. I could have been finished
with it by now, but warm weather focuses my
attention elsewhere. ( See Link Below)




Note: If the Links duplicates in your viewer,
(Which they will of course) highlight and delete
 the duplicate portion and then hit "enter".

Baidarka Mailing List - All postings copyright the author and not to be
reproduced outside Baidarka or Baidarka archives without author's permission
Submissions:     baidarka@paddlewise.net
Subscriptions:   baidarka-request@paddlewise.net
Searchable archive:  http://rtpnet.org/robroy/baidarka

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