[baidarka] an extra baidarka

Subject: [baidarka] an extra baidarka
From: Pat (patfly@comcast.net)
Date: Mon Oct 03 2005 - 01:27:26 EDT

Hi Group,
Five or more years ago (my fiancie says ten), I was an avid lurker and
sometimes poster during my building process. This group answered many
questions that allowed me to complete the labor of love. I built a Wolfgang
Brinck boat and it was stored indoors until this year. I followed his building
process very closely. No nails, screws, glue (I cheated with a dab of
fiberglass on the bowsection of the keelson as it looked as if the wood I used
was going to break). It is all lashed, tied, pegged and sewn together. I used
found wood whenever possible and harvested willow shoots from the riverbank
for the ribs. I loved building this and want it to have a new home.
I am not able to keep in inside and I do not use it. Does anyone want it? I
want it to go to someone who thinks it has value. It is in good condition. The
drawback is that I built it to my body specs and if you are over 5'9 and or
weigh more that 155lbs, you will be really challenged to get in this boat.

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